Seminar Rosa Zubizaretta
Dynamic Facilitation mit Rosa Zubizaretta
14.-17. Juli 2014
In Kooperation mit den Kommunikationslotsen bietet Ideen³ // Räume für Entwicklung dieses Seminar mit der wundervollen Rosa Zubizaretta an.
Rosa ist in ihrer Art des Zuhörens einzigartig. Ihr gelingt es, Diversität, Konflikte und komplexe Situationen so zu transformieren, dass sich Wertschätzung und einzigartige Lösungen zeigen. Mit ihr zu arbeiten und von ihr zu lernen ermöglicht, die Qualität und den Zauber von Dynamic Facilitation wirklich zu erleben.
Dieses Seminar ist für Profis, die anspruchsvolle Treffen moderieren und für
Führungskräfte, die auf der Suche sind nach einer neuen und anderen
Methode, die Lösungen ermöglicht, die weit über die Erwartungen
hinausgehen. Für Organisationsberater, Multi-Stakeholder-Moderatoren,
Streitschlichter, Projektmanager, Kommunikations-Profis, Facilitator –
die bereit sind, einen völlig neuen Facilitation-Ansatz zu erkunden, mit
dem gemeinsames systemisches Verständnis, mehr Ganzheit und
leistungsstarke Durchbruchs-Ergebnisse möglich sind. Diese Arbeit hat
auch Bedeutung für die Profis im Wissensmanagement,
Innovationsmanagement, öffentliches Engagement, transformative Bildung
und partizipative Forschung.
In diesem Jahr wird es drei neue Schwerpunkte im Training geben:
1. Was verbindet Design Thinking und Dynamic Facilitation? Welcher Nutzen liegt in der Empathie und welchen besonderen Wert hat das "Prototyping"?
2. Wie geht es nach einer Dynamic Facilitation Session weiter? Was machen wir mit all den Charts? Wie sieht eine nützliche Ernte der Informationen aus?
3. Wie kann Dynamic Facilitation in einem Team genutzt werden, wenn konfliktive Perspektiven in kreative Zusammenarbeit transformiert werden sollen? (Wenn 2-4 aus einem Team teilnehmen - was wir aus eigener Erfahrung sehr empfehlen - , gibt es Sonderrabatte von 5-15%, siehe Anmeldeformular auf unserer Website.)
Und noch etwas Neues: Rosa und Jean Rough haben ein Mastery-Training-Program für Dynmic Facilitation entwickelt. Dieses Training ist ein Teil davon.
Mehr über Dynamic Facilitation und über die Arbeit von Rosa Zubizaretta erfaht ihr hier.
Rosa Zubizaretta
Teilnehmer-Feedback des DF-Trainings 2013:
“This three day training in Dynamic facilitation was extremely useful
for me. The training course was conducted using an experience based
learning approach with great experience sharing taking place among the
participants. Taught by experienced subject matter experts, this course
is excellent for those who want to get a deep understanding of the
dynamic facilitation concept.“
Patrik Johansson, Project Manager, Tetra Pak
“Rosa hat mir meinen persönlichen Schlüssel für gute Dynamic
Facilitation Sessions vermittelt: Weg von der Neutralität und hin zur
Allparteilichkeit. Diese Veränderung der Haltung war für mich ganz
entscheidend. Darüber hinaus heißt “lernen von Rosa”: lernen von der
Quelle. Diese Chance sollte man sich nicht entgehen lassen.”
Stefan Fischer, Diplom Betriebswirt (BA), Ideenmanager und Facilitator
Gaby Benjes, Coach, Trainerin, Moderatorin, Facilitator
Introduction to Dynamic Facilitation: Evoking co-creativity and group flow
Date: 14-17 July 2014
(The training will be in English. Translation is available.)
Leadership Teams and Dynamic Facilitation
We want to encourage leaders and leadership teams to learn this
valuable tool for transforming conflicting perspectives into creative
collaboration. It can be very useful for your entire team to develop
greater capacity for facilitating your own challenging conversations.
You can use Dynamic Facilitation for this, by having different
participants taking turns being in the role of “designated listener”. To
support the development of in-house communities of practice, we are
offering discounted fees for teams or small groups of people who come
from the same organization.
What makes this workshop different:
For practitioners who already have some initial familiarity with Dynamic Facilitation, we will be including two areas of special focus. The first is the overlap between Design Thinking and Dynamic Facilitation, including the use of empathy and the value of rapid prototyping. The second is the follow-up that happens after a Dynamic Facilitation session. What do we do with all the charts? How do we harvest this information in a useful way?
This year there will be three new priorities in training:
1 What connects Design Thinking and Dynamic Facilitation? What
benefit lies in empathy and what specific value provides “prototyping”?
2 What happens after Dynamic Facilitation? What do we do with all the charts? What is a useful harvest of information?
3 How can Dynamic Facilitation can be used in a team when conflictive
perspectives are to be transformed into creative collaboration? (If
2-3 participate in a team – what we recommend from personal experience
-, there are special discounts. Please get in touch with us.)
Please note: this workshop is part of the
new in-depth Mastery Training program that Rosa and Jean Rough have been
developing for Dynamic Facilitation Associates.
What is Dynamic Facilitation?
Created by American consultant Jim Rough, this “completely new form of facilitation” is a way to support people in coming together to work on impossible-to-solve problems with authenticity and creativity. It has been shown to be highly successful in the business world, as well as in the field of public participation.
German consultant Matthias zur Bonsen started bringing Dynamic Facilitation to Germany in 2005, where it has begun to spread among practitioners of emergence-based practices.
What’s special about it?
We know that to effectively address complex problem, we need to discover new ways of thinking about them. Yet as humans, we are easily constrained by our own perspectives or “silos”; whenever we encounter different and unfamiliar perspectives, it’s easy to become defensive and entrenched in our own ways of thinking. This is where Dynamic Facilitation is so useful; it helps us maximize creative tension in a group, while minimizing interpersonal anxiety. This helps a group enter a state of creative flow, where differences become a resource for transformation and breakthrough thinking.
Content of the training
- You will explore an introduction to the Dynamic Facilitation approach for evoking and supporting a co-creative group flow. It’s basically about drawing out each person’s gift, and tracking an emergent process that allows convergences to occur spontaneously.
- You will have the opportunity to experience and practice Dynamic Facilitation, so you can use it in your own work with clients.
- You will have the opportunity to experientially deepen your trust in the potential for co-intelligence in a group, while also deepening your capacity to offer Presence and support a self-organizing process.
- You will benefit from the experience and practical examples of Rosa Zubizarreta and Holger Scholz, as well as other colleagues who have been working with this approach in a variety of business and community contexts.
Your trainer
Rosa Zubizarreta is an organization development consultant trained in action research and socio-technical systems redesign. She has been working with Dynamic Facilitation since 2000 as a practitioner, researcher, and author, and has taught this groundbreaking approach both in the U.S. and internationally. Recently she co-hosted the first international gathering of Dynamic Facilitation practitioners in Batschuns, Austria.
Your hosts
Roswita Vesper and Holger Scholz are directors of the Kommunikationslotsen, IAF Certified Professional Facilitators and authors of the new Learning Map No. 8 on ‘Dynamic Facilitation’. Both are practitioners of Dynamic Facilitation as well as trainers of the Facilitator Curriculum. Hosting means a lot to them and they are looking forward meeting Rosa and all participants as hosts at the wonderful retreat center ‘Grube Louise‘.